"World Bodypainting Festival"

  In 1998 the first Bodypainting Festival of Europe took place at Seeboden at the Millstätter See in Carinthia. There was no competition and the artists only presented their models.
  In the following year there was already a contest. But still there were no different categories, where the artist could compete against.
  2000 was the first year for the categories "Brush / Sponge" and "Airbrush". In 2001 the third category "Special Effects" was introduced.
  Da das Festival immer mehr Bekanntheit erlangte kamen bald nicht mehr nur Künstler aus Europa nach Seeboden, sondern auch von anderen Kontinenten konnte man Künstler begrüßen.
  Im Jahr 2003 wurde das "European Bodypainting Festival" aufgrund der nunmehr weltweiten Beteiligung in "World Bodypainting Festival" umbenannt.

"world bodypainting festival 2007"

subject "chaos vs. control" - part I

"world bodypainting festival 2007"

subject "chaos vs. control" - part II

"world bodypainting festival 2006"

subject "art history"

"world bodypainting festival 2006"

subject "transport - move it!"

"world bodypainting festival 2005"

subject "comics"

"world bodypainting festival 2004"

subject " myths & tales"

"world bodypainting festival 2004"

subject "water"

Creative Commons License
All pictures were made by "Martin Hauer (www.foto-hauer.at)" and are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at license(at)foto-hauer.at.